新书推荐: Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China


(通讯员 胡港辉)近日,由我国著名国际环境法学家王曦教授与澳大利亚环境法学家Noeleen McNamaraXiaobo Zhao主编的Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China正式出版。该书历时近两年的筹备,由14所中国、澳大利亚知名高校优秀的环境法学学者联合撰稿的英文《中国环境公益诉讼》(Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China)近日由施普林格·自然(Springer Nature)出版社出版发行。该书的出版是对党的二十大报告中明确提出的“完善公益诉讼制度”新要求的积极响应,也是中国环境公益诉讼法制研究迈向国际化的标志性成果。



英文著作Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China/中国环境公益诉讼》 出版

由中国和澳大利亚学者联合编著的英文法学论文集《中国环境公益诉讼》(Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China)近日由施普林格·自然(Springer Nature)出版社出版发行。该书由昆明理工大学法学院王曦教授、澳大利亚南昆士兰大学法律与司法学院赵小波博士、Noeleen McNamara 教授担任主编,由来自北京大学、中国政法大学、上海交通大学、山东大学、华东政法大学、上海政法学院、昆明理工大学、湖北经济学院、澳大利亚南昆士兰大学等14所中国、澳大利亚知名高校优秀的环境法学学者联合撰稿。全书分三编,共计17章。该书为关注中国环境司法发展的读者提供了该领域最新的研究和权威信息。借助历史研究、比较研究和案例研究等方法,该书系统梳理和呈现了环境公益诉讼在中国兴起并蓬勃发展的背景和现状,详细论述了中国环境公益诉讼所涉及的重要程序和实体问题,并从为改革和完善中国环境公益诉讼制度提供了学术方案和建议。作为全球首部系统全面探讨中国环境公益诉讼的英文文集,这一重磅研究成果成为向国内外环境司法理论和实务界展示环境公益诉讼中国方案的重要窗口。该书的问世是中国环境公益诉讼法制研究迈向国际化的标志性成果。

书名:Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China/中国环境公益诉讼

主编:王曦、赵小波、Noeleen McNamara

出版社:Springer Nature




出版日期:2023 6 25






赵小波,法学博士,澳大利亚南昆士兰大学(UniSQ)法律与司法学院高级讲师。2008年获武汉大学环境法学硕士学位;2012年获得西悉尼大学(WSU)法学博士学位。2012年至2014年任上海财经大学法学院讲师。长期从事环境法、侵权法、水资源法和可持续发展研究项目的教学与研究。著有英文专著《中国土壤污染法律机制研究:基于美国和英国的经验》(Developing an appropriate contaminated land regime in China: lessons learned from the US and UK》(Springer Nature2019年第2版),《日本土壤污染法制研究》(法律出版社,2018年),合著《当代澳大利亚侵权法》(Contemporary Australian Tort Law)(剑桥大学出版社,2023年第2版)。

诺琳·麦克纳马拉Noeleen McNamara),澳大利亚南昆士兰大学(UniSQ)法律与司法学院教授。McNamara 教授在环境法学,尤其是矿业法、自然资源法等领域从事教学和科研工作逾20 年。她的新书《澳大利亚教师法律与道德指南》(Law and Ethics for Australian Teachers)于2021 年由剑桥大学出版社出版。


This book offers readers an accessible and broad-ranging guide to Environmental Public Interest Litigation (EPIL), which has burgeoned in China over the past decade. The aim of this book is to provide a systematic review of Chinese experiences with EPIL in environmental matters, both with a view to gauging its success to date and well as discussing some more critical aspects. To this end, the book systematically examines the establishment and development of EPIL in China's legal, social, and political contexts. It examines particularly the significant role and functions of EPIL in China's environmental governance, and the far-reaching impacts on Chinese civil society and governments. It also offers readers an insiders' perspective in terms of procedural and substantive issues with respect to EPIL, by reviewing the institutional designs, theoretical underpinnings and specific mechanisms, the roles of various participants and stakeholders involved in this legal process. At the same time, it studies leading EPIL cases raised from environmental pollution, natural resource damage and ecological damage, and the effectiveness of environmental adjudication that sustains EPIL as a new form of judicial instrument. This book is written to remedy the gap between Chinese and English literature in this area of law. The analysis of these issues, through a historic and comparative perspective, reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the current legal regime and serves as a basis for recommendations for bringing about more effective EPIL in China.